Monday, April 6, 2015

It was an awesome week! Conference was incredible!!!

So uplifting and inspiring. I can't wait to get the Liahona and be able to read them over and over again.
Pictures from the activity last week with all the Hermanas in the mission.

Another fun thing about watching conference is seeing how much my Spanish has progressed over the past year. The first conference was super hard to understand and just got the overall theme. Then in October I definitely understood all the doctrine but some of the stories were hard to follow but this time I felt like I could actually understand everything really well and even was able to laugh at the stories :) Such a good weekend. Too bad Elder Scott didn't speak though. I usually love his talks. President Monson didn't speak that much either.

I loved the talked about the family. Elder Packer was just adorable. There was so much about the importance of the family and defending marriage and the home. Learned lots about my potential as a daughter of God and the responsibilities I have as well. I love how it was mentioned in several talks the importance of having an eternal perspective.

Thanks for the Easter cookies! They were delicious. Still have lots. It's been so fun this week finally having a companion who works out with me and eats healthy with me. Gonna miss that when she leaves in a week! Today we had a zone activity and played capture the flag and dodge ball with little marshmallow guns and then soccer for quite a bit. That sport has actually been growing on me. I'm not that bad on defense :)
I think the best part of conference was being able to sit by our converts. They are doing so well! Sadly we didn't have many investigators show up because lots of people are out of town this past week and the next for vacations and Semana Santa. It's a big deal in Mexico. But we were so pleased to see so many of the recent converts just loving every minute of their first general conference. Definitely made me really happy.

All is well here! Hope you had an awesome Easter and were able to take some time to reflect on the miraculous resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. This event really changed the lives of each and every one of us. It gave us the hope that we live by today knowing that death isn't the end, that we can live again and eternally with our families in God's kingdom. I'm so grateful for this knowledge and for the love of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They have a perfect plan for each of us. Have a fantastic week!

Con amor, 

Hermana Rhoten

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